Our Vision
AAM’s vision is to promote investment that leads change in the agricultural industry to create a positive and sustainable legacy.
At the heart of the AAM business is a steadfast belief in the strength and long-term performance of Australian agriculture, and a commitment to promoting change-making investments in the industry.
This vision is supported by AAM’s foundational philosophies of diversification across supply chains and geographical production areas, and active management, with a focus on developing operational efficiencies, sustainability and potential for capital growth. This is further strengthened by adoption of an ‘owner-operator’ model.
Adopt a ‘safety first in everything we do’ mindset
Embed a culture of safety and quality across all areas of the organisation
Continual improvement, enhancement, reflection, monitoring and measurement of safety lead indicators
Prioritise and adherence to a formalised and structured ESG program to enhance, environmental, social and governance outcomes.
Build and nurture a diverse and inclusive integrated team
Enable and empower our people
Build and nurture a diverse and inclusive integrated team
Develop strategies to attract and retain the best people to achieve operational and execution excellence
Invest in our people to create a sustainable and highly skilled workforce
Strengthen our community partnerships at a local level
Embed a culture of environmental sustainability
Achieve premium and sustainable growth
Exceed investor return targets with a combination of cash distributions and capital growth through:
diversity of enterprise and geography;
aggressive capital development executions;
maximising value through production, strategic alignment and marketing; and
holistically managing risk to reduce volatility of distributions