At AAM we are proud of the partnerships we forge with our investors to contribute to a prosperous and sustainable Australian agricultural industry.

Funds managed by AAM operate in excess of 1.7 million ha of farming and grazing land across four states and territories.  By investing in AAM managed funds, investors make a profound contribution to the families of our ~500 staff, and the prosperity of regional and rural communities throughout the nation.

Australia is celebrated around the world for providing some of the most outstanding agricultural produce. This Summer, we want you to have the opportunity to enjoy some of the high quality food investment in AAM Diversified Agriculture Fund has helped to grow and to be able to share this with your family and friends.

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Australian Lamb
2025 Summer Campaign

After you have received your LAAM box

We want you to enjoy the produce you order so we have included some great recipe ideas and tips and tricks on how to prepare, thanks to Australian Lamb.

The Dorper story

Dorpers and White Dorpers are a prime meat lamb breed that naturally shed their fleece, and thrive in a variety of conditions. Sought after for producing meat of outstanding quality, with excellent fat distribution, the breed was developed in South Africa in the 1830s and has made a transformative contribution to prime lamb production enterprises in Australia since being introduced in 1996.

AAM has a large Dorpers and White Dorpers operation across our Blackall region ALC assets and the properties in New South Wales. We believe firmly in the breed’s ability to deliver premium taste and tenderness, while supporting sustainable, grazing and farming practices.